Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Some new babies came into the NICU a few days ago and I can't help but take a look at them every time we walk in. They are twins that were born on Sunday at only 24 weeks. One weighs 300 grams (a little less that 11 ounces) and one weighs 500 grams (1 lb 1 ounce). They are the smallest little babies I have ever seen and I just can't imagine if that were us. I feel so lucky that we have such a healthy, big (relatively speaking), and growing boy! 

Today, Justin actually lost a few ounces which is exactly what the doctor ordered. The medicine he gave him yesterday did the trick. He was looking a bit puffy because he was retaining so much water and he was finally able to get rid of some of it. He is back down to 3 lbs 11 ounces and now he will start gaining weight the correct way. He was getting fluids when he had his IV in and sometimes babies can't get rid of all the water on their own. But, we are back on track. They changed his bolus feedings to every three hours now and he will get 20 mls each time. He did great on the first day of bolus feedings and should continue to do fine. Since they moved him down to 1.5 liters of air yesterday he was requiring a little more O2 then necessary. The doctor talked about the fact that Justin will be at the hospital for a while still so there is absolutely no reason to push him. If he were 36 or 37 weeks they might push him a little harder with the air/O2 but he is just 32 weeks (they still talk in gestation terms at this point even though he is a little over 3 weeks old). So, they moved him back up to 2 liters and will give him some time to get used to that. Afterall, he was only at 2 liters for one day before they went to 1.5 liters. We will give him some time on this and gradually go to less. That is all for today. I do have some new pictures. I will post them later. :)


  1. You are a Grandparents dream!!!

  2. I was just thinking that Justin should be able to have 2 birthday parties. The first would be on his actual day of birth 9/26 and the second on 12/15, when he was due. Seeing that the medical personnel refer to his age in gestational age, then logic dictates that he have a second "birth" day. I don't think he would mind having more opportunities to receive trucks, tractors, etc., in the future. I'm sure his father would think the same thing; never enough machines and wheels!
    XXOO Auntie Kim
