Monday, October 19, 2009


Justin is looking so big and chubby today! He gained another couple ounces and is 3 lbs 13 ounces. Over a pound more than when he was born. He is still at 9 mls per hour of milk but as he continues to grow, they will increase it a little at a time to keep the right amount of calories in him. Dr. Hoekstra rounded when I was there today. He walked into the room and said he needed an easy baby for a change. It's been pretty crazy in the NICU and for us to be the "easy" ones felt good! No big changes today. He did lower his flow from 3 liters to 2 liters and we are working towards getting his nasal cannula off. It will take some time but shouldn't be too long. That was really the only change for today. He did mention that Justin's last dose of antibiotics will go in tomorrow and he will take the PICC line out immediately following that. So, he will be IV free tomorrow! It will be so nice to have that out! 

I am just at home washing Justin's clothes. We had another poop explosion today (apparently that is pretty common for these little guys) so the clothing needs to be washed. Jason and I will head down again after he is done with work. Our favorite nurse is working tonight. 


  1. Good to see the little one smile! Sounds like things are heading in the right direction. Have you had your H1N1 flu vaccine yet. My office is going wild getting those to the people who need them. Ron and I are on our way to pick up Erin and Ben then will head to Phoenix on Wed. to spend some time with Jason and Rowen. Grandsons are the best things. Keep up the good work, all of you. We will be thinking of you all and talking about our newest family member. Love, Terry

  2. I haven't been keeping up with your posts :-/ So much has happened in the last couple days. Good to hear the little man is growing and doing so well! Love the new pic of him smiling! Can't wait to meet him!
