Sunday, October 11, 2009


Today was an adventure at the hospital. A fun day, but certainly a new one in our books! Let's start with the stats. Justin is 3 lbs 3.5 ounces today and still growing!! He is tolerating the fortifier and they will increase the calories to 24 tomorrow. Today, he is on 22 calories per ounce of milk. We are getting closer to getting that IV out. Not positive if it will be tomorrow or Tuesday. They might give him fluids for a day just to make sure he is tolerating the 24 calorie fortifier. The last thing we would want is to take it out and have to put one back in! His bilirubin levels went down today and he did that all by lights needed. That means that his liver is up and running and things are in working order. They have been checking his bili levels everyday and the doctor said today that she won't check again for a week since he seems to be doing great on his own. Other than that, nothing new and no changes made today. Just a steady day at the hospital.

Now, on to today's adventure. First, we got to do something new and give him a bath. Well, actually a half-bath. We washed his hair. We swaddled him up to keep him warm, put a basin in his isolette and washed his hair (see pictures). He also got a new isolette today. They were supposed to change it out yesterday but didn't for some reason so they did that while Jason held him. And, of course, now that we were ALL clean, we had to go make a mess again. I was changing him after his bath and we were all hoping for a poop because his tummy was getting a little full. Well, I will spare the details but we had an explosion while I was changing him!!! A major explosion! The nurse and I were laughing so hard that another nurse came over to see what had just happened. Meanwhile, I thought Jason was going to fall off his chair as he mentioned that he wasn't aware that could even happen! He said it was a good thing I was changing him because he would have flipped out and wouldn't have known what to do! HA! We had a little cleaning up to do after that but Justin was happy and ready for bed. 

So, overall, a pretty exciting day in the NICU!  :)


  1. He looks AWESOME!!! How fun to give him a little bath - sounds like you had a great day! Do they think he will make it home much before your due date?

  2. precious. He is making wonderful progress. Remind me some day to tell you about Katie's first bath.
    Love reading your posts everyday.

  3. It's almost like being there. Almost! Say Hi to Tom and Sue. Bet they can hardly wait to get their hands on this little guy.

  4. Nice work Justin! way to break 3lbs. You are quite a fighter... I ahve a feeling you will be keeping your mom and dad very busy :-)

  5. With all the stress you two have probably had the last few weeks, glad to see there is a little humor with the explosion. I would have loved to see Jason's reaction. Take care and keep on growin Justin!
    Andrew Larson

  6. Hi Justin,
    You are such a trooper! Keep growing stronger. We love reading your Mom's notes. We are thinking of you and your parents. And what great parents you have. Lucky baby and lucky parents!! Wow... Great pooping! We'll have to call you Sir poopy pants! xox! Tony, Kari, Josh and Ryan.
