Sunday, October 4, 2009


Today was another good day. Justin got his high-flow nasal cannula taken off. He seems to be doing just fine without it. He was on room air with the cannula but it was just giving him a little extra air. He is breathing on his own and only forgets to breathe every once in a while (completely normal). Some babies need stimulation to remember to breathe again, but not Justin. He just remembers on his own. I held him today for about 20 minutes. Normally, he can handle it for about an hour but he has to work harder to breathe on his own now so he gets tired faster. If he needs more help breathing, they will put the cannula back in. But, he has to get stronger some how! They have increased his feeding to 1.5ml per hour and he is tolerating that just fine. He continues to poop and pee like he should and Jason changed his second diaper ever today. We were able to help with that, take his temperature, put chapstick (Aquafore) on, and give him a taste of milk in his mouth. They like to give him tastes (on a Q-tip) so he gets used to it when he gets to start eating. His bilirubin levels were up a little from yesterday. I guess this is normal after they turn the phototherapy lights off. He gets rid of bilirubin by pooping too so hopefully he keeps up the good work! 

That's all for today. Happy Sunday!

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