Friday, October 23, 2009


Today was an uneventful day in the NICU for us. FINE WITH ME!!

Justin looks great and is pretty low on his O2 levels which means he is doing great as well! I talked to the doctor when I got there and he was pleased with how Justin is doing. The only thing we changed today was increased his feedings by a small amount. They seem to change the max amount so often that I am having a hard time keeping track. I think we are going to a max of 28 mls at some point today but just not sure when. I did ask the doctor what he thought about Justin and how things are going. Jason and I have obviously never done this before so we have nothing to gauge this with. We didn't know if he was where he should be O2 and breathing wise and were just curious if he should still be having spells at this point (he has about 2-4 per day). Dr. Hoekstra said "he's ahead of the game for his gestation" and doing great! His breathing and O2 needs are better than expected and at this age he is still supposed to be having spells. They actually have tons of spells when they are still inside mom but the placenta does all the work for them so it doesn't matter. So, to only be having a couple a day is really good. Other than that, nothing new. The brain ultrasound was actually scheduled for Monday and he will still have his eye test tomorrow. Will let you know how that goes but again, I will not be there for it. Too hard to watch those procedures!

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