Saturday, November 7, 2009


Well, today is a great day! Justin got his nasal cannula taken off today and is actually doing better than when he had it on. He was on such a low flow that I think he is breathing better without the stuff up his nose. He gained one ounce today and is up to 5 lbs 4 ounces. He is getting so big and long that he is out growing some of his preemie clothes already. I didn't think that day would ever come! We will donate some of his stuff to the NICU tomorrow. I also didn't think that he would ever stop having apnea spells because we got so used to them but he hasn't had a spell in about a week! Everything is going so well, now he just has to complete his final and most challenging task...eating on his own. The doctor ordered one bottle today. So, I will feed him every time I go during the day/evening and the nurses will add one bottle (of breast milk) at one of the feedings that I am not there. He might not do much eating right away but you have to start somewhere, right? 

Check out:


  1. The YouTube video is great. Love that smile!

  2. Awesome!! Such wonderful news! Loved the video and his smile, take is that he stuck his tongue out at Grandma and Grandpa lol xox
