Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Ok, today we have TONS of news. I got to the hospital around noon to feed Justin and the doctor was rounding when I was feeding him. He said he would come back. I told him that Justin was wondering when he was going to let him go home. Dr. Maynard said that he takes bribes. What kind of bribes? Milk chocolate. I said that can be arranged.

So, after Justin was rounded on, Dr. Maynard spun around in his chair and said that he was making an EXECUTIVE DECISION!! Take the NG (feeding) tube out, feed him ad lib (whenever he wants, the amount he wants), discharge on Thursday. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO US!!!! However, he has alot to prove in the next couple days. He needs to be able to eat...he can't go longer than 4 hours, he has to pass his car seat evaluation tomorrow, get his immunizations tomorrow, we have to do monitor training (nothing to do with Justin), all while keeping his O2 sats up. So far so good. I have been at the hospital since his 3pm feeding and plan to stay the night. They have little hotel rooms for parents to stay in so I will stay so I can do his feedings throughout the night. Jason has been at SWAT training all day and will stay at home for the dog tonight. Tomorrow night, we will get one LAST night's sleep and then it's all over from there (sleep wise of course)...we absolutely can't wait to have him all to ourselves!!!!!

Sometimes the immunizations set them back a little so we will have to see how Justin reacts to his shots. If we have to wait an extra day or two it won't be the end of the world. We will just see how things go over the next 24 hours and hopefully we will be home free!

Oh, by the way, Dr. Maynard got a WHOLE box of milk chocolate when I came back for the 3pm feeding. :)


  1. Yahoo for the whole Gerhman Family. We're so excited for you. I'm sure if you and Jason become a little sleep deprived, you can find a grandparent or two to relieve you. Hope things go well.

  2. Great news! :) Sleep deprivation is tough but definitely worth it. Best of luck with the transition home and Happy Thanksgiving!!!

    Casey, Maria and Evan
