Sunday, November 15, 2009


Today we are finally back to where we were before all the shinanigans this week. Actually, even better. Justin got his cannula off today and has been doing great without it. They changed his feedings to "bottle as tolerated" meaning if he seems awake during cares and wants to eat, they will bottle him (as long as I am not there). But, if he is too tired they will just let him rest. He did take quite a few bottles today so by the time we got there for his 6pm feeding he was awake but seemed really tired. So, we did a half-feeding and "NG'd" the rest (in his tube). The doc said he is doing great and the lasix is really helping him! He gained 5 grams today and seems to not have to work so hard to breathe. Tomorrow we will get a new rounding doctor although she isn't really new to us. We had her last week and really like her. I am sure she will be impressed by Justin's progress even though we had a minor set back. 

1 comment:

  1. So glad everything is back to "normal" and Justin is doing so well. Sorry to hear you had a rough couple days. I cannot believe how big he is getting! I bet he seems HUGE to you!
