So far so good on things! Today has been an extremely busy and long day (especially for mom)! I stayed the night at the hospital and was up feeding Justin at midnight and 4:30am. He normally gets a feeding at 3am but literally has never woken up for that (which is FINE with me!) but he did wake up a little later. We started our day at 8am doing monitor training and infant CPR. The monitor is pretty easy and extremely LOUD! We certainly won't be sleeping through any alarms. We learned the basics of CPR and will hopefully never ever have to use it. Jason knew everything already because he is certified for work and is experiened but it was good to learn and refresh. After our class the monitor guy came down and fitted Justin for his monitor and equipment. Next, we had the nutritionist talk to us about what he will go home with and the fact that we should bottle him at least twice per day and fortify those bottles with Similac Neosure. Then we had to quickly feed Justin and take him up for his car seat evaluation. They did about 30 minutes of car seat safety training with us in the beginning and then plopped Justin in his seat. He was to sit there for one hour and not dip below 80%. There are alot of reasons they might dip below...pooping, grunting, etc. Or, of course, if they just desat on their own and simply aren't ready for car seat yet. They don't care what he is doing, he still can't dip below. So, he sat there for 56 minutes (4 minutes away from passing), had a HUGE poop, and failed. We got him out, I fed him a little snack, changed his diaper, and the lady let him try again. But, he had to do the full hour all over...poor dude! Anyway, he passed!!! Phew! The other thing we are working on is his blood pressure. It has been a little wacky lately and they want to make sure to address that before he goes home. He had a kidney ultrasound after his car seat eval. Apparently if there is a major blood pressure issue they can figure it out by that ultrasound. No problems there though. The nurses will take his blood pressure throughout the night and see what they find. Sometimes even the wrong size cuff can make it higher than it should be. The doctor has ordered labs for the morning and we will make a decision tomorrow about discharge. If there are more labs that need to be taken for the blood pressure issue, tomorrow might not be the home free day. And that is fine, we certainly want to get everything taken care of before he comes home. Either way, it should be in the next few days...we hope.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. We have the best family and friends and are so thankful to have everyone in our lives!
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Getting close and Grandma can't wait! We are all so proud of you both, Justin is lucky to have such Wonderfullllllll parents. Lucky little boy aka Little Dude!