Monday, November 16, 2009


Justin is having a great day and had a great night last night. Since he got his nasal cannula off he has been at 100% O2 sats for almost the whole time. He bounces around a little, as we all do, but can keep it up around 100% most of the time. He is 5 lbs 12 ounces today and 17 3/4 inches long. The doctor told me today that she expects him home in the next two weeks for sure. Could be a few days from now...could be 2 weeks or more. But, that is what she is anticipating. Literally, all he needs to do is eat every meal. He still gets pretty tuckered out so we are continuing feeding him every other in his tube, but I am thinking pretty soon he will take more and more on his own. That's all for today. No changes for him and no new orders from the doc. 

1 comment:

  1. Meg and Jason...this is wonderful news. He is just so darn cute!
