The doctor has not rounded yet today so I don't have a full report yet. I will add more to this post later once I hear from her. We are back to rounds in the afternoon (since he is healthy again) so that is a good thing. Today, Justin is 3 lbs 5 ounces. He was at 8.5 mls of milk per hour when I was there at noon and they will increase to 9 mls at 4pm. He will stay at 9 mls for a while as that is where he needs to be for his current weight. They will increase it as he gets bigger. Because he is at full milk feedings he is done with his TPN and lipids (the nutrients and fats through his IV). They will keep his IV in only for the antibiotics and once those are done next week, he will get it out! Also, when I got there today, the nurse told me to take a look at him because he looks different today. I opened his isolette cover and he had clothes on! He has never had clothes on before and he looked so darn cute (see picture). It was a brief clothing experience though, as he spit up on it shortly after. Oh well! There will be plenty of outfit changes for that reason in the future. The nurse went to look for another outfit but they were all too girly so we just left him in his diaper. I will take down some of his own clothes tonight. They also changed the temperature in his isolette. So far, he has been on a fluctuating temperature that changes when his body temperature changes. Now, they set it at a constant temperature in his isolette because he can start managing his own temp. As his weight increases, the will decrease the temperature more and pretty soon he will be in room air and out of the isolette! That's all for now. I will add more to this post later if I learn anything new from the doctor.
Nothing new from the doctor today. Dr. Hoekstra is back tomorrow and we will see what he has to say about the little big man. I did however get a nice little note while I was at the hospital tonight. Jason wasn't going to be able to come to the hospital today because he had to work until 10pm tonight. So, I went down to hold him by myself tonight (for the first time since he got sick). I was also going to pump afterwards since it was about that time. I have all my equipment under Justin's bed and when I opened the bag with all my stuff I found a piece of paper. On it was written (in quite familiar handwriting):
"Mom, Tell Dad that I would like my own snowmobile. Love, Justin"
Uh oh!! I am in trouble already! I did find out that Jason had an hour in between his normal shift and his over time shift so he made a quick visit to the hospital. I thought it was interesting that the note looked like it came from a cop's notebook....hmmmm.....they must have been chatting. I am really glad Jason was able to make it down to the hospital though. It would be hard to have to miss a day!
Crazy how much the little man has changed! He is sooo stinking cute! I just want to kiss his cheeks!