Friday, October 30, 2009


Justin now gets "bonus" feedings. That is what I call them at least. He hit a certain weight today but stayed in certain limits in order to increase his feedings. Apparently they have some criteria to go by in order to get these "bonus" feedings. He needs to be gaining weight (but not too fast), and hit certain weight requirements before he gets his bonus. He was at 34 mls every three hours and his bonus today got him up to 39 mls every three hours. They were giving these feedings over a half hour time period but that was giving him a little reflux so they slowed it down to 45 minutes. I guess every baby (premature and full-term) has reflux which is what makes them spit up. Justin doesn't spit up but when he is at the end of his feeding, he seems to reflux a little which cause his O2 sats to decrease. So, they just slowed it down a bit and he seems to be doing better. He is at 4 lbs 9 ounces today and is maintaining his temperature perfectly! They have him all swaddled up in his crib and he looks so tiny. He started looking big for his isolette relative to where he started and now he looks tiny all over again. But when he is not in his crib, he looks like a BIG boy! It's weird that we think 4 lbs 9 ounces is big but when you start in the 2's, it really is a huge increase! 

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, Justin is doing SO great! He will be home before you know it!
